Sandon JMI School

Learning, Resilience, Independence



Here at Sandon JMI Primary School, we are dedicated to providing children with a rich and meaningful mathematics education. Staff aim to ensure that pupils are motivated, engaged and whenever possible link maths learning to real life contexts. Children of all abilities are challenged and encouraged to be independent learners. 

We believe that a high-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.  


Our Intent is to: 

  • Develop fluency and mental strategies to solve mathematical calculations and problems quickly and accurately  
  • Practically apply mathematical skills to everyday problems  
  • Present an environment where all pupils can learn the skills of mathematics to the best of their ability and where all pupils’ needs are addressed positively and sensitively.  
  • Offer a variety of approaches to teaching and learning to engage and motivate pupils, encouraging their active participation in maths.  
  • Provide pupils with techniques so that they can investigate and solve problems in 
    maths and other curricular areas. 
  • Develop and extend a pupil’s ability to express themselves clearly; to reason logically 
    and to be able to generalise. 
  • Develop mathematical knowledge and oral, written and practical skills to encourage confidence and enjoyment.  
  • Set realistic yet challenging targets, with high expectations for all pupils.  
  • To ensure all pupils leave Sandon with Maths skills that prepare them for the next step in their education  



Pupils have full access to the Maths National Curriculum which is differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils.
The Sandon School curriculum is designed to be challenging and appropriate to each child's stage of development. 

At Sandon JMI School, our mathematics teaching is based on the White Rose Scheme of work. We begin with the Early Years Foundation Stage, ensuring that children are equipped with the knowledge and skills they will need in Year 1. The whole school curriculum is broken down into Early Years Foundation Stage skills, Year 1, Year 2 then mixed in Years 3/4 and Years 5/6. 

Daily maths lessons provide opportunities for children to practice mental maths to promote fluency and fast recall. There are opportunities for cross-curricular learning, to ensure pupils make significant personal development.

In KS1, alongside White Rose, children have access to Numbots for home use. Through a gaming platform, NumBots adopts the best teaching practises to take children from counting on their fingers, to adding and subtracting two digit numbers. The programme compliments what your child is learning in school and focusses on securing any gaps in their knowledge, before moving them onto the next challenge.

This year we are also undertaking a further focus on mastery of mathematics through Matrix Herts Maths. Children’s chances of success are maximised if they develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts. Children should not be limited in their achievement. The mastery approach suggests a "can’t do it yet" rather than "can’t do it" approach. All children are encouraged to learn together so they feel a sense of belonging in the mathematics classroom.

By the end of Year 4 children should know their times tables. To support mathematical learning in this area, all KS2 children have access to TT Rockstars. Regular competitions take place and children have access to use both in school and at home.

Please select this link for a parent guide TTRockstars

We do believe that homework provides an opportunity for children to practise and consolidate newly acquired skills.  Weekly homework is also an opportunity to share new learning with parents/carers.

To support learning at home, we have provided some additional material (please see the attached documentation) and visit our Home Learning Page.  Please also visit our news page for the latest maths news in school.

If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Boxall via or Class Dojo.