About Us
Sandon JMI is a small school. We are linked with Knights Templar School, in Baldock; and are part of the North Hertfordshire Sports Partnership Scheme. We have a team of dedicated staff, delightful pupils and supportive parents. The idyllic setting, which is in the middle of the village, has well equipped play areas, garden and wildlife sections, with fields beyond. We are a Forest School and these grounds provide the perfect setting for sessions. Everyone who visits the school agrees that it is a very special place.
Sandon School is situated in the centre of Sandon, 10 minutes drive from Baldock, Buntingford and Royston.
The school has 4 good sized classrooms as well as a central hall. Classes are mixed aged and organised into reception, year 1 & 2, year 3 & 4 and year 5 & 6. There are excellent IT facilities including laptops, interactive C-Touch whiteboards in every classroom, iPads, visualisers and coding robots. There is disabled access to all areas of the school.
The school is surrounded by attractive gardens and a large playing field. There is also a hard playground area, a tyre park, climbing equipment and a conservation area that is used as a science resource and Forest school. The Reception class has a separate outdoor area, with an array of equipment which the children are encouraged to use throughout the day.